
Because I forget stuff. Part of

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Posts about computing in general

Cool Image Resizing

This is cool (not just the resizing bit—wait until the end for the object removal part, which is what really impressed me):

There should be a YouTube video here but it seems not to have rendered!

And not directly related, but while on the subject, some cool SVG stuff:

There should be a YouTube video here but it seems not to have rendered!

Why BBC iPlayer Is Actually Irrelevant

Well, not actually this site (anymore), but its a timely representation. Like an old friend returning,

Shiny Things

So the great laptop saga comes to an end. Basically it’s so falling apart and failing in so many ways that rescue begins to produce diminishing benefits. So, it’s been sort of abandoned, leading to…shiny new toy!

Continue reading the rest of this post

Is This Laptop Trying To Tell Me Something?

Alternatively titled “Things Wrong With My Laptop, #7668”…

Sigh. Windows now totally refuses to boot. Blue Screen of Death! Oh, and remember that DVD drive that’s tempremental? The laptop refuses to boot from CD, even when I’ve swapped in another drive (yes, I’ve checked the BIOS settings; yes I’ve checked the CD is bootable in another machine). That makes getting anywhere near recovering from a BSoD somewhat more interesting….

Will The BBC Acknowledge Linux?

The BBC report on BBC policies being attacked, specifically a letter sent by the Open Source Consortium to various regulatory bodies pointed out the problems with the BBC’s closed platform, DRM laden approach to their new iPlayer technology. [I’d swear I blogged about this at the time of the BBC Trusts consultation period, to which I responded making many of the points the OSC make—including the analogy to restricting content to certain brands of TV—but I can’t find any post). The problem is that the BBC, for all their “it’s just a start, we’ll get there” response, seem to simply not “get it”. Read carefully that BBC story (or other BBC stories and statements on the same subject) and see what sort of mentality to “make it work for everyone” they are taking. Specifically note statements like:

The BBC aims to make its content as widely available as possible and has always taken a platform agnostic approach to its internet services.

“It is not possible to put an exact timeframe on when BBC iPlayer will be available for Mac users. However, we are working to ensure this happens as soon as possible and the BBC Trust will be monitoring progress on a six monthly basis.”

The news article

They talk about as widely available as possible but very, very specifically only ever seem to mention Macs (maybe just to stop Apple suing over that iPlayer name!). I have a simple question for the BBC: What is your proposed solution for Linux (and other *nix based) platforms? Surely the BBC has a public duty to support such platforms as much as the big two commercial competitors (after all, there is an argument that Linux offers an effective tool in helping to bridge the digital divide to those technologically disadvantaged for financial reasons). Until they can give some sort of direct answer to that question they are no making things widely available as possible in a platform agnostic way at all.


Other Posts on Computing

  1. Music Needs An Audio Only Option
  2. Things Wrong With My Laptop, #7667: A Culprit
  3. Things Wrong With My Laptop, #7666
  4. Things Wrong With My Laptop, #7665
  5. Praise The Sorter
  6. You Know You've Been Using A Keyboard Too Much When...
  7. Winamp and Tagging, Revisited
  8. Winamp And External Editors
  9. Well That's Annoying
  10. Stream TV Pay TV
  11. Posted From Linux
  12. Using Word
  13. They Don't Get IT
  14. Is This Bad?
  15. Should Cancel Be Default
  16. What I'm Liking About Linux
  17. Geekiness
  18. Desktop Up
  19. Laptop Dead
  20. Laptop Down
  21. Anything That Can Go Wrong
  22. B: Drive
  23. Gmail and Spam
  24. Sticky Button
  25. Other People's (Poorly Written) Code
  26. Dashboard on a Safari
  27. Using IE Win? Your Money Safe?
  28. Holiday Calendar
  29. Woo, Gmail


This Crazy Fool

Dr Ian Scott
Croydon (and Gateshead), United Kingdom
Bullding Services Engineer (EngDesign), PhD in Physics (University of York), football fanatic (Newcastle United), open source enthusiast (mainly Mozilla)

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