
Because I forget stuff. Part of

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Originally posted January 27 2012 at 23:01 under General. 0 Comments. Trackbacks Disabled.

365 Update and Oops and Done!

A pretty big dump of Project 365 photos, complete with a bit of an oops. And also now complete with the end.

The Oops

One of my unwritten rules for 365 has been that each day’s photo must have been taken that day. In the past this has meant some not so great photos have gone up while other, better, shots have missed out (more on that coming in a later review post). I failed to take anything on the 15 December though, so I’ve had to break my own rule. The question (once I’d gotten over the mild disappointment of the realisation) was what to do? I did consider digging back for a photo from that date in a previous year but a quick search revealed that’s never been a popular day for me to snap away (i.e. I couldn’t find one). I also very briefly considered faking up the date-times of something but that would only be cheating myself. In the end I went for something from the “365 archives”, a shot I liked but hadn’t made it for that day. The chosen photo would probably have made been used if I hadn’t already got one with the gorillas in it a short time before, and I had another photo from the day in question I quite liked. Anyway, it’s in the series now, and seemed the best solution I could come up with.

The original draft of this post now talked about how there were only three more photos to go. Well, due to more normal tardiness, that isn’t so. I’ve done Project 365, January 21 2011 to January 20 2012. So, the question becomes, will I keep going? Well, it is a leap year, which has pushed me over the edge—so Project 366 is ongoing. I’m going to be a bit more lax about my own rules this time round though—I’m not necessarily going to use a photo from that day (which means I don’t have to take something (anything!) each day. I’ll aim to keep this “cheating” to a minimum though, maybe about one a week, so as to keep up the pressure to practice shooting. And I’m not going to worry quite so much about repeating subjects (especially subjects from Project 365). Oh, and there’s a new camera! While I’ll continue to carry around the little Canon Powershot SX 130 IS there’s now a Canon 1100D DSLR in the mix :-D

I’ll probably say a bit more in the promised post to come (whenever that appears!) but for now, I’m done :-)

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This Crazy Fool

Dr Ian Scott
Croydon (and Gateshead), United Kingdom
Bullding Services Engineer (EngDesign), PhD in Physics (University of York), football fanatic (Newcastle United), open source enthusiast (mainly Mozilla)

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