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July 2006

Posts made in July 2006

The Sun Is 100 Degrees…

And the road is melting.

Actually, roads are melting at about ninety-something Fahrenheit. I refer you to the visionary piece I wrote when aged 5 which, accompanied by a picture of a yellow Sun and bubbling road surface, stated “The Sun is one hundred degrees and the road is melting” (OK, so I used some silly unit of temperature but hey, I was young! And 311 Kelvin doesn’t have the same ring).

Told You So

It must be said that Jeremy Keith knows more about design than I probably ever will. And basically he agrees with me. These bloody things are awful. Please stop putting them in place of perfectly functioning devices. Jeremy makes a good point I missed about these being a goal, and a safety warning as your crossing (though the time available should always be adequate). To be complete though, I have to say I’ve not noticed them lacking the audio signal mind. If that really is the case, then it really is even more bloody stupid than I thought.

Literary Ghosts

I think Arthur Conan Doyle may be taking over from Edgar Allen Poe. I feel, dear reader, that some explanation may be in order?

You see a few years ago I became haunted by Mr Poe. Everywhere I turned would be another Allan Poe reference (particularly to The Raven). It is difficult now to recall every instant but there were many piling up on each other, even getting so far as making it to The Simpsons. Eventually I got the hint and ended up buying (and reading obviously) the complete works. Still, I get the occasional reminder.

Anyway, the thing is I think Conan Doyle is doing the haunting now. It began with Sanford’s excellent Discovery Sherlock Holmes. I’d subscribed to the weekly email to remind me to get each bit but only just gotten around to actually reading them. It then occurred to me that the tales are old enough to be out of copyright which makes it very likely they’re on the wonderful Project Gutenberg. Where I found at the top of the main page a quote form The Advnetures of Sherlock Holmes. To top it all Hound of the Baskervilles was on TV the other night (not that I watched it). So I get the hint Mr Doyle.

Three Lions Robbed

Who thought we should have a fucking Argentinian in charge of an England game anyway? We didn’t deserve to lose that by a long way.

Bah. Come on Brazil.

Buggery. Zidane remembered he can play. Now I have no one to support. Not the cheating Portuguese. Not the moaning, pompous French. Surely not the Germans! And the boring, defence defence defence Italians? Bwah.


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This Crazy Fool

Dr Ian Scott
Croydon (and Gateshead), United Kingdom
Bullding Services Engineer (EngDesign), PhD in Physics (University of York), football fanatic (Newcastle United), open source enthusiast (mainly Mozilla)

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